Sa vorbim! lets talk!

Fiecare are ceva de spus , nu ne trebuie decat curajul sa o facem !
Everyone has something to say, we need only the courage to do it!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Una dintre cele mai simple curi de slabit! One of the easiest ways to get in shape.

1. Trebuie sa bei cel putin 2 l de apa plata pe zi (este absolut necesar, prin urmare incearca sa bei acesti doi litri chiar daca este nevoie sa cari dupa tine permanent o sticla cu apa). Apa plata nu trebuie inlocuita cu nicio alta bautura, nici macar suc de portocale sau apa minerala.
2. Nu trebuie sa mananci cu 4 ore inainte de culcare. Prin urmare, daca stii ca te culci in jurul orei 24:00, nu mai mananci nicio firmitura de paine dupa ora 20:00.
Reguli de argint
3. Evita grasimile si dulciurile, dar nu atat cat sa mori de pofta. Daca intr-o zi vei pofti cu tot sufletul la o patratica de ciocolata (o patratica sa fie!!!) atunci mananc-o pentru ca nu te va omori!
4. Nu te infometa! Daca te roade stomancul poti oricand sa mananci un mar, o portocala, ori o leguma. Stiu ca ai vrea sa sari in prima merdenea, dar un regim inseamna sa iti potolesti foamea cu alimente cat mai sarace in calorii.
5. Manaca cat mai mult kiwi si grepfruit. Aceste fructe stimuleaza arderea grasimilor si sunt gustoase.

1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily payment (absolutely necessary, therefore try to drink two liters these even if you need to constantly keep on carrying a water bottle). Aerated water should not be replaced with any other beverage, even orange juice or mineral water.
2. You should not eat 4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, if you know that sleep at around 24:00, do not eat any bread crumbs after 20:00.
Silver Rules
3. Avoid fats and sweets, but not enough to die of hunger. If one day you will beg with all my heart in a square of chocolate (one square to be!) Then eat it because it will not kill!
4. Do not starve! If you can always eat fruit stomancul an apple, an orange, or a vegetable. I know you want to jump in first merdenea, but a system means you calming hunger with food as low-calorie.
5. Eat as much kiwi and grapefruit. These fruits are tasty and stimulates fat burning.

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