Sa vorbim! lets talk!

Fiecare are ceva de spus , nu ne trebuie decat curajul sa o facem !
Everyone has something to say, we need only the courage to do it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ce este viata in esenta? What is the essence of life?

Sa vorbim despre viata, sunt sigura ca fiecare are ceva de spus. Aici e locul in care o putem face fara teama, fara a ne simti amenintati. Avem cu toti experiente de viata si ceva de oferit. Uneori lucrurile banale cum ar fi un buna ziua, pentru multi poate insemna un zambet, mergi pe strada si cineva iti zambeste, e un moment in care pentru o clipa te-ai simtit important, e doar o clipa, dar viata e constituita din astfel de clipe in care iti doresti sa iesi din anonimat, sa sti ca existi.

In opinia mea un drum lung in care avem parte de bune si rele, un lung prilej in care adunam povesti de viata. Pe unele incercam sa le ratacim,pentru ca de uitat nu se uita. Pe altele incercam sa le repetam, acelea sunt cele fericite cand avem senzatia ca plutim intr-o lume de basm si ne dorim sa ramanem acolo, sau sa tina foarte mult. Omul in ambele situatii simte nevoia sa vorbeasca sa impartaseasca bucuria sau nefericirea cu cineva. Va las sa va ganditi si sa-mi spuneti in care caz va simtiti mai bine, cand tineti pentru voi sau cand vorbiti!
Acest blog este dedicat oamenilor simpli. Astept critici, opinii, sugestii, comentarii....

Lets talk about life, I'm sure everyone has something to say. Here is where you can speak fearless, without having to feel threatened. We all experience life and have something to offer.
Sometimes trivial things like a good day can mean for many a smile.
For example you go on the street and someone smiles at you and for a moment you feel important, just a moment, but life is made up of such moments in which you want feel important and noticed, it makes you feel like you exist.
In my opinion it is a long road full of good and evil, a long road that collects life stories. Some memories we try to forget them, other memories we try to remember them because those are the happiest moments when we feel like we are floating in a world of fairy tale and we want to stay there.
The man in both cases feels the need to talk to share the joy or unhappiness with someone.
I will let you think about this and tell me in which cases you fell better, when you keep you memorie to your self, or when you share them with other.
This blog is dedicated to simple people. I expect criticism, opinions suggestions, comments ....

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