Saturday, January 9, 2010
Pretuieste viata! Cherish life!
Cand va veti simti coplesiti aruncati o privire in adancul sufletului vostru , cu siguranta veti descoperi ca viata exterioara este o reflectare a vietii interioare . Intr-o zi aruncand o privire asupra vietii noastre , vom fi mai putin preocupati de cate lucruri am cumparat si ne vom aduce aminte cu placere de dragostea pe care am oferit-o , de timpul pe care l-am petrecut cu cei dragi si de momentele cand viata a fost frumoasa . Daca ne gandim ca vom fi fericiti numai cand toate problemele noastre vor disparea , ne vom crea o viata de dezamagiri ar trebui sa privim mai des asupra propriei vieti pentru ca schimbari in bine apar in fiecare zi Mi se pare ingrozitor de trist cand vad in jurul meu oameni care si-au pierdut simtul umorului , par atata de seriosi si intotdeauna gata sa trateze orice subiect ca pe o urgenta maxima. Oamenii exagerat de seriosi poarta pe fata o incruntatura si rareori se bucura de lucrurile simple ale vietii . A avea simtul umorului inseamna sa ai abilitatea de a rade de tine insuti si de a fi deschis unor noi oportunitati . Incepeti prin a zambi , apoi uitati-va in jurul vostru la cei care sunt bine dispusi . Nu trebuie sa faceti schimbari majore in personalitatea voastra , incepeti cu pasi mici , tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa luati lucrurile mai putin in serios . Daca va ganditi putin , la ceea ce este cu adevarat important in viata , cred ca pana la urma veti fi de acord ca acelea sunt lucrurile simple . Nu uitati viata e scurta !!!! Nu uitati , doar gandirea noastra imparte lumea in fericiti si nefericiti !!! Nu uitati , incepand de azi incercati sa fiti de acord cu a nu fi de acord !!! Nu uitati , un zambet poate servi ca ajutor in a intelege ca nimic nu este fara speranta si exista bucurie pe lume !!! Viata este o calatorie , de ce nu ne-am opri putin din drum si sa luam aminte la intelepciunea sfatului de a lua viata asa cum este !!!
in final doresc sa spun ca oricat vi s-ar parea la un moment dat de grea viata, de fapt nu e chiar asa, mereu exista o scapare trebuie doar sa nu va pierdeti niciodata speranta. Multi oameni probabil s-au vazut la un moment in viata " la pamant " ca apoi sa descopere ca acel timp in care au stat necajindu-se si consumandu-se a fost timp pierdut. Incercati sa uitati lucrurile rele din viata voastra si sa le pretuiti pe cele bune... pt ca acelea sunt cele care conteaza.
When you feel overwhelmed take a look deep down in your soul, you will surely find that life outside is a reflection of inner life. One day, throwing a look at our lives, we will be less concerned about stuff we bought and we will remember with pleasure the days we offered love to others , and the time we spent loving one and other ... times when life was beautiful. If we think that we will be happy only when all our problems will disappear, we will create a life of disappointments and should look more often at our own lives because every day changes for the better occur you just have tosee them . I find it terribly sad when I see around me people who lost their sense of humor, always seem so serious and ready to treat any subject as a maximum emergency. People overly serious wear a frown face and rarely enjoy the simple things of life. To have a sense of humor is to have the ability to laugh at yourself and to be open to new opportunities. Start by smiling, then look around you to those who are well disposed. We should not make major changes in your personality, start with small steps, all you have to do is to take things less seriously. If you think a little, what is really important in life, I think eventually you will agree that those are the simple things. Remember life is short!! Remember, only our thinking divides the world in happy and unhappy! Remember, starting today try to agree to disagree! Remember, a smile can serve as an aid in understanding that nothing is hopeless and there is joy in the world! Life is a journey, why do not we stop a little of the road and heed the wisdom council to take life as it is!
finally I want to say that no matter how bad life shoul seem at a moment, actually its not that bad, there are always escapes just don't ever lose hope. Many people probably have seen at some point in life "down" then to discover that the time they grieved and consumed their selves vas lost in vane. Try to forget the bad things in your life and to value more the good ones ... Cause those are the ones that count.
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