Friday, January 15, 2010
Fiecare dintre noi acorda o anumita semnificatie lucrurilor care I se par cu adevarat importante! Each of us gives a specific meaning to things .....
Este un adevar si de aceea suntem intotdeauna gata sa criticam felul in care gandeste si actioneaza o alta persoana. Ne sustinem de obicei propriile versiuni despre realitate, prin exemple care, credem noi, dovedesc ca avem dreptate. Pe scurt, modul in care vedem noi viata ni se va parea intotdeauna justificat, logic si corect. Problema este ca toata lumea crede la fel si ca versiunile lor despre realitate sunt cele corecte!
Uitam ca din punct de vedere psihologic traim cu totii in propria noastra realitate, total separate. Modul cum interpretam viata si evenimentele care au loc in jurul nostru a fost influentat de o serie de factori unici pentru propria noastra viata, experientele copilariei si vietii mele au fost si continua sa fie diferite de ale voastre, asa ca viziunea mea asupra vietii va fi usor diferita. O intamplare care pe mine ma deranjeaza va poate lasa pe voi indiferenti si inversUnica solutie este sa ne reamintim ca nu e nimic rau in faptul ca suntem diferiti, este o realitate care trebuie acceptata! Nu este usor, intotdeauna vom deforma realitatea si o vom trece prin propriul filtru, tot ce putem face este sa incercam sa avem respect si intelegere pentru opiniile celorlati si a accepta ca fiecare are dreptate! Toti cunoastem amanuntul asta, dar continuam sa facem aceleasi greseli, sa credem ca numai noi detinem adevarul!Putem incepe prin a spune, bine ai venit in lumea mea, cele mai bune si mai frumoase lucruri din lume nu pot fi vazute si nici atinse, ele trebuie simtite cu inima!
It is a fact and therefore we are always ready to criticize how another person thinks and acts. We support the usual own versions of reality, through examples, we believe, and prove that we are right. In short, how we see life we will always seem justified, logical and fair. The problem is that everybody thinks the same and that their versions of realityes are correct!
We forget that the psychological point of view we all have lives in our own reality, totally separate. The way we interpret how life and events take place around us has been influenced by a number of factors unique to our own life, childhood experiences and my life was and continues to be different from yours, so my vision of life will be slightly different. A story that bothers me I can let you indifferent and bitter solution is to remember that there's nothing wrong with the fact that we are different, is a reality to be accepted! It is not easy, we always deform reality and we will pass through its filter, all we can do is try to have respect and understanding for the views celorlati and accept that each is right! All retailers know this, but continue to make the same mistakes, but we believe that we own the truth! We can start by saying, welcome to my world, the best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen nor touched, they have felt with the heart!
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