Sa vorbim! lets talk!

Fiecare are ceva de spus , nu ne trebuie decat curajul sa o facem !
Everyone has something to say, we need only the courage to do it!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nu putem! we can not!

Nu putem invinge intr-o disputa. Nu putem pentru ca daca daca pierdem suntem invinsi, iar daca iesim invingatori, suntem tot invinsi.
De ce?
Sa presupunem ca triumfam si demonstram, dar nimeni nu poate fi obligat, sa creda-n altceva…pacat!
O zicala spune: mai degraba dati-va la o parte din calea unui caine, decat sa fiti muscat in timp ce va cereti drepturile. Nici uciderea cainelui nu va vindeca muscatura!

We can not win in a dispute. We can not lose because if you are defeated, and if you go out winners, we are all losers.
Suppose we triumphed and prove it, but nobody can be forced to believe-n else ... shame!
An adage says: rather get you out of the way a dog than to be bitten while you ask your rights. Not even killing dog, the bite will not heal!

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