Ce sa mai spun... va las pe voi :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Exista fiinte care au puterea magica de a fermeca pe toti cei din jurul lor, prezenta lor lumineaza, apropierea lor incalzeste inimi.Sentimentul este vesnic nou, de unde neputinta de a exprima o emotie prin cuvinte. Daca ajungi sa vezi sufletul omului, sa intelegi sinceitatea unui zambet, placerea unei conversatii, bucuria unei intalniri, atunci poti spune ca ai inteles totul.
A spera inseamna a crede….
A iubi inseamna a trai…
A cere inseamna a vrea…
A suferi inseamna a constientiza.
There are beings with magical power that captivate everyone around them, their presents lights and heats hearts. The feeling is forever new, where the inability to express emotion through words. If you get to see the human spirit, to understand the sincerity of a smile, the pleasure of conversation, joy of meeting, the you can say that you understand everything.
The hope is believing ....
To love is to live ...
To ask means to want ...
Suffering means of awareness.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Una dintre cele mai simple curi de slabit! One of the easiest ways to get in shape.
1. Trebuie sa bei cel putin 2 l de apa plata pe zi (este absolut necesar, prin urmare incearca sa bei acesti doi litri chiar daca este nevoie sa cari dupa tine permanent o sticla cu apa). Apa plata nu trebuie inlocuita cu nicio alta bautura, nici macar suc de portocale sau apa minerala.
2. Nu trebuie sa mananci cu 4 ore inainte de culcare. Prin urmare, daca stii ca te culci in jurul orei 24:00, nu mai mananci nicio firmitura de paine dupa ora 20:00.
Reguli de argint
3. Evita grasimile si dulciurile, dar nu atat cat sa mori de pofta. Daca intr-o zi vei pofti cu tot sufletul la o patratica de ciocolata (o patratica sa fie!!!) atunci mananc-o pentru ca nu te va omori!
4. Nu te infometa! Daca te roade stomancul poti oricand sa mananci un mar, o portocala, ori o leguma. Stiu ca ai vrea sa sari in prima merdenea, dar un regim inseamna sa iti potolesti foamea cu alimente cat mai sarace in calorii.
5. Manaca cat mai mult kiwi si grepfruit. Aceste fructe stimuleaza arderea grasimilor si sunt gustoase.
1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily payment (absolutely necessary, therefore try to drink two liters these even if you need to constantly keep on carrying a water bottle). Aerated water should not be replaced with any other beverage, even orange juice or mineral water.
2. You should not eat 4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, if you know that sleep at around 24:00, do not eat any bread crumbs after 20:00.
Silver Rules
3. Avoid fats and sweets, but not enough to die of hunger. If one day you will beg with all my heart in a square of chocolate (one square to be!) Then eat it because it will not kill!
4. Do not starve! If you can always eat fruit stomancul an apple, an orange, or a vegetable. I know you want to jump in first merdenea, but a system means you calming hunger with food as low-calorie.
5. Eat as much kiwi and grapefruit. These fruits are tasty and stimulates fat burning.
Nu putem! we can not!
Nu putem invinge intr-o disputa. Nu putem pentru ca daca daca pierdem suntem invinsi, iar daca iesim invingatori, suntem tot invinsi.
De ce?
Sa presupunem ca triumfam si demonstram, dar nimeni nu poate fi obligat, sa creda-n altceva…pacat!
O zicala spune: mai degraba dati-va la o parte din calea unui caine, decat sa fiti muscat in timp ce va cereti drepturile. Nici uciderea cainelui nu va vindeca muscatura!
We can not win in a dispute. We can not lose because if you are defeated, and if you go out winners, we are all losers.
Suppose we triumphed and prove it, but nobody can be forced to believe-n else ... shame!
An adage says: rather get you out of the way a dog than to be bitten while you ask your rights. Not even killing dog, the bite will not heal!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Proverbe frumoase! Nice proverbs!
Frumusetea daca nu este insotita de virtute, este ca o floare fara parfum.
Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.
Unul dintre cele mai grele lucruri in viata este sa ai cuvinte in inima pe care nu le poti pronunta. ( James Earl Jones)
One of the hardest things in life is to have words in your heart that you can not pronounce. (James Earl Jones)
“Oamenii strica fiecare clipa de romantism prin încercarea de a o face sa dureze pentru totdeauna.” ( Oscar Wilde )
People hurt each moment of romance by trying to make it last forever. ( Oscar Wilde )
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Pentru tine… For you ...
Pentru a vedea un strop de senin, pentru a vedea o raza de speranta, pentru a vedea frumosul, pentru a putea iubi cerul, stelele, lumina diminetii, pentru toate avem nevoie de timp, pentru toate avem nevoie de intelegere!
Un weekend linistit, pentru care sa multumim zilei de ieri ca a trecut, zilei de azi ca exista si sa cerem zilei de maine sa ne faca sa intelegem ca zgomotul care se aude pe pamant este un nesfarsit concert de rasete si plansete. Zambeste, ingerii imi spun ca zambetul tau poate strabate zarile si-si face loc in inima mea!
To see one drop of clear, to see a ray of hope to see the beauty, to love the sky, the stars, the morning light, all we need is time and understanding!
A quiet weekend for which to thank yesterday as she past, to say thankyou for today because it excists and to ask tomorrow to make us understand the noise that is heard on earth is an endless concert of laughter and crying. "Smile, angels tell me that your smile can cross the horizon and one's place in my heart!"
for you,
pentru tine,
Friday, January 15, 2010
Fiecare dintre noi acorda o anumita semnificatie lucrurilor care I se par cu adevarat importante! Each of us gives a specific meaning to things .....
Este un adevar si de aceea suntem intotdeauna gata sa criticam felul in care gandeste si actioneaza o alta persoana. Ne sustinem de obicei propriile versiuni despre realitate, prin exemple care, credem noi, dovedesc ca avem dreptate. Pe scurt, modul in care vedem noi viata ni se va parea intotdeauna justificat, logic si corect. Problema este ca toata lumea crede la fel si ca versiunile lor despre realitate sunt cele corecte!
Uitam ca din punct de vedere psihologic traim cu totii in propria noastra realitate, total separate. Modul cum interpretam viata si evenimentele care au loc in jurul nostru a fost influentat de o serie de factori unici pentru propria noastra viata, experientele copilariei si vietii mele au fost si continua sa fie diferite de ale voastre, asa ca viziunea mea asupra vietii va fi usor diferita. O intamplare care pe mine ma deranjeaza va poate lasa pe voi indiferenti si inversUnica solutie este sa ne reamintim ca nu e nimic rau in faptul ca suntem diferiti, este o realitate care trebuie acceptata! Nu este usor, intotdeauna vom deforma realitatea si o vom trece prin propriul filtru, tot ce putem face este sa incercam sa avem respect si intelegere pentru opiniile celorlati si a accepta ca fiecare are dreptate! Toti cunoastem amanuntul asta, dar continuam sa facem aceleasi greseli, sa credem ca numai noi detinem adevarul!Putem incepe prin a spune, bine ai venit in lumea mea, cele mai bune si mai frumoase lucruri din lume nu pot fi vazute si nici atinse, ele trebuie simtite cu inima!
It is a fact and therefore we are always ready to criticize how another person thinks and acts. We support the usual own versions of reality, through examples, we believe, and prove that we are right. In short, how we see life we will always seem justified, logical and fair. The problem is that everybody thinks the same and that their versions of realityes are correct!
We forget that the psychological point of view we all have lives in our own reality, totally separate. The way we interpret how life and events take place around us has been influenced by a number of factors unique to our own life, childhood experiences and my life was and continues to be different from yours, so my vision of life will be slightly different. A story that bothers me I can let you indifferent and bitter solution is to remember that there's nothing wrong with the fact that we are different, is a reality to be accepted! It is not easy, we always deform reality and we will pass through its filter, all we can do is try to have respect and understanding for the views celorlati and accept that each is right! All retailers know this, but continue to make the same mistakes, but we believe that we own the truth! We can start by saying, welcome to my world, the best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen nor touched, they have felt with the heart!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
O zi. (One day.)
Cum arata o zi in care sti ce trebuie sa faci teoretic, dar nu reusesti practic? Urata, ca o zi mohorata in care degeaba te uiti in sus, soarele nu rasare, cel putin nu astazi! "Speranta spune", e si maine o zi! Vrei sa te odihnesti cand ti se pare ca esti la capatul puterilor. Te intorci spre constiinta si o intrebi, ce vrei sa fac? Ea raspunde: datoria este sa continui !
What signifyes a day when you know what to do in theory, but fail in practice? it's ugly, as one off those days in which nothing gloomy looks up, the sun never rises, at least not today! "Hope says", tomorrow is another day! You want to rest when you feel that you are tired out. Come back to consciousness and ask your self, what to do? And the "day" responds: it is your duty to continue!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pretul unui suras! The price of a smile!
Pretul unui suras!
Nu costa nimic , dar ofera multe.
Ii imbogateste pe cei care-l primesc , fara a-i saraci pe cei ce-l ofera
Nu traieste decat o clipa , dar amintirea lui supravietuieste uneori e eternitate.
Nimeni nu este atat de bogat incat sa se poata descurca fara el si nimeni nu este atat de sarac dupa ce i-a cunoscut avantajele.
Aduce fericire in camine , cultiva bunavointa si este parola prieteniei.
Poarta odihna celor obositi, speranta celor deznadajduiti,lumina soarelui pentru cei tristi si este cel mai bun antidote al naturii pentru necazuri.
Totusi nu poate fi cumparat, cersit, imprumutat sau furat, caci nu serveste la nimic pana nu este daruit.
Emerson spunea:”Fiecare om ce-mi iese in cale imi e superior intr-o anumita privinta. De aceea invat de la fiecare trecator”.
The price of a smile!
It costs nothing but gives much.
It enriches those who receive it, your "poor" without it.
It lives only a moment, but his memory survives eternity sometimes.
Nobody is that rich that he can live without it and no one is so poor after seeing it advantages.
It brings happiness in homes, foster goodwill and it is the password for friendship.
Gates rest to the weary, hope to the desperate, the sunlight for the sad and is nature's best antidote for trouble.
Still it can not be bought, begging, borrowed or stolen, for it serves to nothing until its gave.
Nobody is more in need of a smile, but those who forgot to smyle!
Emerson said: "Everyone that comes my way is superior in a certain way. thats why i learn from each one!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Creaza ceva numai pentru sufletul tau! Create something only for your soul!
Incepe ziua cu dragoste - atunci cand te trezesti dimineata , sa-ti deschizi inima si sa-ti reamintesti hotararea de a da dovada de iubire in toate aspectele vietii.
Traieste ziua cu dragoste - sa ai totul sub control si sa incerci sa nu pui lucrurile neplacute la suflet sau sa le exagerezi . Fiti ingaduitori cu imperfectiunile celorlalti si cu ale voastre , faceti efortul de a fi generosi si amabal i ,modesti si sinceri , iubitori si ingaduitori.
Incheie ziua cu dragoste-rezerva un moment la finalul zilei pentru meditatie si recunostinta. Priviti inapoi si analizati in ce masura telul de a trai cu dragoste s-a potrivit cu actiunile si deciziile tale. Faceti asta nu pentru a tine un scor sau a fi aspri cu voi insiva , pur si simplu pentru a descoperi zonele in care ati putea actiona cu mai multa dragoste maine.
Zambetul tau … zambetul meu … sunt doua lumi paralele , si totusi merg impreuna !!!!
Start the day with love - when you wake up in the morning open your heart and remind yourself to show love in all aspects of life.
Live the day with love - have everything under control and try not to put bad things to heart or to exaggerate them. Be indulgent to the imperfections of others and yours, make an effort to be generous and kind and, modest and sincere, loving and indulgent.
End the day with love - book the time at the end of the day for meditation and gratitude. Look back and review to what extent did the goal of living with love matched your actions and decisions. Do this not to keep a score or be harsh with yourself, just to find areas where you could act with more love tomorrow.
Your smile ... my smile ... are two parallel worlds, and yet go together!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Pretuieste viata! Cherish life!
Cand va veti simti coplesiti aruncati o privire in adancul sufletului vostru , cu siguranta veti descoperi ca viata exterioara este o reflectare a vietii interioare . Intr-o zi aruncand o privire asupra vietii noastre , vom fi mai putin preocupati de cate lucruri am cumparat si ne vom aduce aminte cu placere de dragostea pe care am oferit-o , de timpul pe care l-am petrecut cu cei dragi si de momentele cand viata a fost frumoasa . Daca ne gandim ca vom fi fericiti numai cand toate problemele noastre vor disparea , ne vom crea o viata de dezamagiri ar trebui sa privim mai des asupra propriei vieti pentru ca schimbari in bine apar in fiecare zi Mi se pare ingrozitor de trist cand vad in jurul meu oameni care si-au pierdut simtul umorului , par atata de seriosi si intotdeauna gata sa trateze orice subiect ca pe o urgenta maxima. Oamenii exagerat de seriosi poarta pe fata o incruntatura si rareori se bucura de lucrurile simple ale vietii . A avea simtul umorului inseamna sa ai abilitatea de a rade de tine insuti si de a fi deschis unor noi oportunitati . Incepeti prin a zambi , apoi uitati-va in jurul vostru la cei care sunt bine dispusi . Nu trebuie sa faceti schimbari majore in personalitatea voastra , incepeti cu pasi mici , tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa luati lucrurile mai putin in serios . Daca va ganditi putin , la ceea ce este cu adevarat important in viata , cred ca pana la urma veti fi de acord ca acelea sunt lucrurile simple . Nu uitati viata e scurta !!!! Nu uitati , doar gandirea noastra imparte lumea in fericiti si nefericiti !!! Nu uitati , incepand de azi incercati sa fiti de acord cu a nu fi de acord !!! Nu uitati , un zambet poate servi ca ajutor in a intelege ca nimic nu este fara speranta si exista bucurie pe lume !!! Viata este o calatorie , de ce nu ne-am opri putin din drum si sa luam aminte la intelepciunea sfatului de a lua viata asa cum este !!!
in final doresc sa spun ca oricat vi s-ar parea la un moment dat de grea viata, de fapt nu e chiar asa, mereu exista o scapare trebuie doar sa nu va pierdeti niciodata speranta. Multi oameni probabil s-au vazut la un moment in viata " la pamant " ca apoi sa descopere ca acel timp in care au stat necajindu-se si consumandu-se a fost timp pierdut. Incercati sa uitati lucrurile rele din viata voastra si sa le pretuiti pe cele bune... pt ca acelea sunt cele care conteaza.
When you feel overwhelmed take a look deep down in your soul, you will surely find that life outside is a reflection of inner life. One day, throwing a look at our lives, we will be less concerned about stuff we bought and we will remember with pleasure the days we offered love to others , and the time we spent loving one and other ... times when life was beautiful. If we think that we will be happy only when all our problems will disappear, we will create a life of disappointments and should look more often at our own lives because every day changes for the better occur you just have tosee them . I find it terribly sad when I see around me people who lost their sense of humor, always seem so serious and ready to treat any subject as a maximum emergency. People overly serious wear a frown face and rarely enjoy the simple things of life. To have a sense of humor is to have the ability to laugh at yourself and to be open to new opportunities. Start by smiling, then look around you to those who are well disposed. We should not make major changes in your personality, start with small steps, all you have to do is to take things less seriously. If you think a little, what is really important in life, I think eventually you will agree that those are the simple things. Remember life is short!! Remember, only our thinking divides the world in happy and unhappy! Remember, starting today try to agree to disagree! Remember, a smile can serve as an aid in understanding that nothing is hopeless and there is joy in the world! Life is a journey, why do not we stop a little of the road and heed the wisdom council to take life as it is!
finally I want to say that no matter how bad life shoul seem at a moment, actually its not that bad, there are always escapes just don't ever lose hope. Many people probably have seen at some point in life "down" then to discover that the time they grieved and consumed their selves vas lost in vane. Try to forget the bad things in your life and to value more the good ones ... Cause those are the ones that count.
Friday, January 8, 2010
O noua zi , o noua incercare ! (A new day, a new test!)
Viata de fapt este o continua provocare … Te trezesti , incerci sa-ti pui ordine in ganduri, bei o cafea , iti spui ca va fi ziua ta norocoasa si incerci sa pornesti … daca nu ai unde sa mergi, te intrebi chiar nimeni nu are nevoie de tine ? Daca ai unde , te gandesti daca asta ti-ai dorit … pentru ambele variante iti faci ganduri … nu uitati ca viata e scurta . Nimic nu este atata de important,incat sa merite sa iti strici ziua si nimic nu este atat de grav , incat sa te faca sa te culci furios ! Zambiti , chiar nimic nu poate fi atata de important cum nu poate fi nici atata de grav ! Incercati mereu sa vedeti jumatatea plina a paharului nu doar pe cea goala!
Life really is a continuing challenge ... You wake up, try to put in order you thoughts, drink a coffee, you tell yourself today will be your lucky day and try to start ... if you dont have anywhere to go you wonder if even somebody needs you? If you have somewhere to go , you think if that is realy what you wanted ... for both variants you worry ... do not forget that life is short. Nothing is so important, that it deserves to spoil your day and nothing is so severe to make you go to bed angry! Smile, nothing can be so important as there can not be that bad! Try always to see the glass half full not only the half empty part.
Vise!? Dreams!?
Inchizi ochi si intri intr-o lume nevazuta , o simti cu sufletul si te desprinzi de realitate , poti face ce doresti , este o lume a ta , iti spui ca viata ar fi frumoasa daca ai putea visa mai mult .Deschizi ochi si zambesti , incerci sa pastrezi clipa de fericire , te ajuta sa mergi inainte, iti da forta sa spui astazi va fi o zi frumoasa , este forta ascunsa in fiecare , o noua zi o noua incercare , visati cu sufletul e magia care ne ajuta sa fim mai buni!
Close your eyes and enter a world unseen, you feel it with your soul and you detache your self of reality, you can do what ever you want , its your world and you say to your self that life would be nicer if you could dream more. Open your eyes and smile, try to keep the moment of happiness, it helps to go ahead, gives you the strength you need to say "today will be a beautiful day". Each new day a new trial, dream with your soul, its the magic that helps you be better!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ce este viata in esenta? What is the essence of life?
Sa vorbim despre viata, sunt sigura ca fiecare are ceva de spus. Aici e locul in care o putem face fara teama, fara a ne simti amenintati. Avem cu toti experiente de viata si ceva de oferit. Uneori lucrurile banale cum ar fi un buna ziua, pentru multi poate insemna un zambet, mergi pe strada si cineva iti zambeste, e un moment in care pentru o clipa te-ai simtit important, e doar o clipa, dar viata e constituita din astfel de clipe in care iti doresti sa iesi din anonimat, sa sti ca existi.
In opinia mea un drum lung in care avem parte de bune si rele, un lung prilej in care adunam povesti de viata. Pe unele incercam sa le ratacim,pentru ca de uitat nu se uita. Pe altele incercam sa le repetam, acelea sunt cele fericite cand avem senzatia ca plutim intr-o lume de basm si ne dorim sa ramanem acolo, sau sa tina foarte mult. Omul in ambele situatii simte nevoia sa vorbeasca sa impartaseasca bucuria sau nefericirea cu cineva. Va las sa va ganditi si sa-mi spuneti in care caz va simtiti mai bine, cand tineti pentru voi sau cand vorbiti!
Acest blog este dedicat oamenilor simpli. Astept critici, opinii, sugestii, comentarii....
Lets talk about life, I'm sure everyone has something to say. Here is where you can speak fearless, without having to feel threatened. We all experience life and have something to offer.
Sometimes trivial things like a good day can mean for many a smile.
For example you go on the street and someone smiles at you and for a moment you feel important, just a moment, but life is made up of such moments in which you want feel important and noticed, it makes you feel like you exist.
In my opinion it is a long road full of good and evil, a long road that collects life stories. Some memories we try to forget them, other memories we try to remember them because those are the happiest moments when we feel like we are floating in a world of fairy tale and we want to stay there.
The man in both cases feels the need to talk to share the joy or unhappiness with someone.
I will let you think about this and tell me in which cases you fell better, when you keep you memorie to your self, or when you share them with other.
This blog is dedicated to simple people. I expect criticism, opinions suggestions, comments ....
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